Friday, October 19, 2012

Journal 2: A Turning Point

     Inception is a movie that focuses primarily on action, yet offers an interesting twist, in the form of dream worlds. This concept of dream invasion is important to understand the direction of the film. One scene that helps to explain this concept is of Fischer’s realization of being in a dream, from 13:26 to 14:35 of disk two. This entails Cobb using the Mr. Charles tactic on Fischer and convincing him he is in a dream. He uses the shift in gravity as evidence and reminds Fischer that he has been trained to detect false dream worlds. When told this, the subconscious individuals look at Cobb. When Fischer accepts it, they look away, and he asks Cobb to get him out. There are some interesting aspects of the audio and visual cues during this scene. One aspect is the music. Although it is intended to be loud from the shift in gravity, due to the van turning, it is apparent that ominous and intense music begins playing as soon as the heads of the subconscious beings turn. This music then shifts to a less intense sound as soon as they return to normal habits. Another of these aspects is the camera zooms. During each angle on Fischer, the camera is either zooming in or out. It zooms in while he is trying to understand his situation and determine whether he is dreaming or not. It then begins to zoom out while he is accepting the fact that he is dreaming. This scene is important in this movie because it is the turning point in the inception of Fischer. It is where Fischer begins working with instead of against the dream invaders.

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