Monday, October 1, 2012

The Believing Game Part 2

I believe dogs should not be used to hunt wolves in Wisconsin. It is true that wolves have reached numbers that surpass social carrying capacity, and this is causing problems with farmers’ livestock. With this being said, a hunting season has already been established, and the amount of tags that will be sold has been decided by experts on this subject. The first season is meant to be a test to gauge the amount of kills per tags. In time, the wolves’ population will be brought down, but we should not rush into it and make the same mistake our ancestors made. It is cruel to use dogs to hunt wolves, they are both territorial predators, and will surely kill each other in non-humane ways. Using dogs to hunt wolves is not necessary and would put both the wolves and dogs into unnecessary danger.


  1. I believe this is the opposition you support. There is a lot more detail in it and it seems more well written.

  2. You would be correct. I will take this into consideration for future passages.
