Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Journal 1: Inception-A Movie to Inspire

      Inception, written and directed by Christopher Nolan, was one of my favorite films to date and is so for one main reason; the plot was philosophical. Typically, the formal elements of a movie invoke a response in me. That is not to say that the cultural values of the movie are not important, they merely have a less positive response in most cases. All of the lighting, sounds, and designs of the movie work together to enhance Inception and make it a more brilliant work of art. The acting in this movie is phenomenal and kept me on my seat. The way in which the movie was edited, switching from the different levels of the dream state held another captivating affect. The plot of the movie, was however, the most important aspect in deciding to love this movie. It had a similar feel to Andy and Lana Wachowski’s, The Matrix. The plot left you wondering what was next at each stage. This end of your seat affect is only effective if you answer the questions that typically manifest. An example of this was the beginning of Inception. You are left wondering what the beginning scene was all about throughout the movie, only to find out the importance and meaning of it near the end. This is done in a way that leaves you questioning without distracting you from the rest of the movie. This is but one of the important aspects of plot in a movie, but gives reason why Inception is one of the best films of its time.


  1. I have never seen Inception, but a couple of my friends have and they also commented on how the layout of film and the lighting made the movie more appealing to them. They said the plot was very good and that they would definitely watch it again. I will have to see it sometime.

  2. Inception is a movie that you it is advised you watch twice, it really makes you think and reason with what you truly believe in. Even at the end of the movie, you are still left without absolute closure. This is good for some people but others might not always like the feeling of being left with the possibility of more. Inception is grade A in my book.

  3. I have seen Inception and thought it was a fantastic movie! I agree that you should see it twice I've only watched it once and it left me upset. The story line and artistic display of this movie is excellent as you said. It really makes you think.
